Thursday, April 7, 2016

New Moon in Aries Spread

This week, I've been chatting with Kathy Crabbe about making oracle cards, and I noticed she had a wonderful blog post on the Aries new moon. So, I decided to make a simple spread based on her post: How To Get Inspired and Fight To Win This Aries New Moon.

Card 1: What do you want more than anything?

Card 2: How to get it (by tapping into your Aries Fire).

Card 3: Affirmation to support your goal.

Here's my reading.

Card 1: Knight of Wands. This card represents a departure which I'll be making very soon to live in a different part of the country. It also signifies the freedom and adventure I'm hoping this move will help me regain. I'm eager to start over and live life to the fullest.

Card 2: Have Fun. I get this card a lot as an admonishment because I'm always so busy working, creating, and trying to stay afloat. But this card shows that adding more fun to my days will help me live life to the fullest.

Card 3: I am joyous. Love this card! And it ties in nicely with the positive energy of the other two cards. 

The decks used in this reading were the Tarot Everywhere deck, Oracle Everywhere deck and I AM Cards. They are all available for sale through my Printerstudio shopspace

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