Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sample Reading: will i be able to leave my mother's home soon?

Here is a sample 3-card reading using The Cinderella Deck.

I've been living with my Mom for the last year after moving to another state and being out of work. I'm still trying to get my finances together so I can move out as soon as possible. Will I be able to leave my mother's home soon?

Here are the cards chosen.

In Card 4, Cinderella sits quietly by the fireplace, which is where she lives. She doesn't have a nice bedroom or comfortable sleepwear to sleep in. In this position, it suggests you are not really comfortable where you are, although you are basically content with it for now.

Card 26 tells us what's going on under the surface. In this card, Cinderella's stepsisters belittle and criticize her for wanting to try on the slipper. Is there someone who is criticizing you? Do you feel belittled like a child in your mom's home? This might be an underlying reason you wish to leave.

The final card is the final card in the deck, Card 29, where Cinderella is marrying the Prince and headed into the castle. This suggests that you will soon be able to move into your own castle as well.

Purchase The Cinderella Deck

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