Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tarot Everywhere....the photo project becomes a tarot deck

If you get my newsletter, you know I've been working on a tarot photo project called Tarot Everywhere. I've been finding photos on Unsplash.com that remind me of tarot cards.

At first, I found images that had a visual correlation to the card.

Then I found photos that spoke to me symbolically and reflected the tarot meaning (or at least my interpretation of the card).

At first, it was just a photo project. Then I got excited about putting all of the photos into a deck of tarot cards. Being impatient, I quickly found all 78 images and sent it to the printer. Overall, the deck printed well but some of the images are very grainy because of the photo filters used. I don't plan on editing the photos - I think they are perfect as is, but I might replace some of them. Actually, most of the grainy images are on the Swords cards which might work well for that suit. Despite its flaws, the deck has really grown on me and I enjoy using it for my Instagram tarot readings.

I'd love to know what you think. If you want to know when this deck will be available for sale in my Printerstudio shopspace, join the newsletter for quarterly updates.

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