Saturday, March 21, 2015

a weekly reading with The Simple Lenormand

I've been practicing with The Simple Lenormand but have no luck with daily 3-card readings. So, I'm doing weekly 3x3 readings and I wanted to share one I did last month that had a strong impact.

First, let me give you my correspondences for the cards. You probably notice that many of the cards are different from the traditional Lenormand. The Crown replaces Tower. It represents power and authority. The Scissors replace Scythe. The Fist is Whip. The Handshake is an extra card. It seems to come up for partnerships more frequently than Rings. Papers replace Letter and appear when there is a decision that needs to be made. Wine replaces Garden.

I tend to read these in columns with a strong use of directional aspecting (using the directions the images face and how they interact with each other).

Here's what I wrote at the beginning of the week:

The first card is Clouds and the final card is Rider. This suggests that this week may begin with confusion and disappointment and end with progress or possibly a departure.
~ cutting through confusion and disappointment (Scissors cutting Clouds)
~ important documents (Papers) related to work environment (Wine). Wine is the card I use for Garden which represents groups or gatherings, socializing and celebrating. It has been coming up as work environment or work team in many readings.
~ fighting (Fist) against authority (Crown) in a work environment (Wine)
~ an argument or disagreement (Fist) takes center stage
~ taking a new direction (Road)
~ meeting someone new (Handshake)
~ the beginning (Road) of a partnership or business deal (Handshake)
~ celebrating (Wine) progress or a departure (Rider). I see Rider in this position as a departure rather than visitor because he rides off of the spread.
~ I also get the impression from the cards in the right column like Road that leads nowhere and the Rider who rides into nothing that by the end of the week there may be uncertainty about where this new direction will lead.

This is what actually happened:

I received documents. Employment forms were emailed to me.

I found out a co-worker will be leaving to take another job. We did have cupcakes and cookies at work, not because the coworker was leaving but for Valentine's Day.

The fight was unfortunately with my boyfriend (on Valentine's Day) and it was about issues of power in the relationship. The disappointment was related to the fight. Things ended on a bad note so there is much uncertainty about the future of the relationship. I felt I had a tough decision (Papers) to make about the relationship.

However, everything with my boyfriend was reconciled (Handshake) pretty quickly. I also realized the purpose of Scissors. I interpret it as saying No or a rejection. Over dinner (Wine), I said No (Scissors) to a request which caused the fight (Fist) which was kind of a power struggle (Crown). There were tears (Clouds), but we made up (Handshake) by weekend's end.

Purchase The Simple Lenormand


  1. I've been reading Lenormand only for a few months now, and while I find doing a daily draw of three cards helpful, I may do a 3x3 (which is my favorite spread to do) at the beginning of the week too, just to see how it feels.

    Thanks for a great idea, and for sharing your experience with the cards. I always look to see how other people read with the Lenormand, as a way to learn the cards better myself.

    James Himm Mitchell

    1. You're welcome, James, and I've been following your Lenormand posts. Based on what I've read, I'd say you're a natural!
