Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Spread: coming together and falling apart

Many, many months ago, I ran across this quote on a blog post:

“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy. ”  
Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heartfelt Advice for Hard Times

I thought it had the ring of a good spread. Here's the Coming Together and Falling Apart spread:

Card 1: The problem: Choose this card face-up from your deck. This means to go through the deck and find a card that depicts your problem, worry or concern.

Card 2: What the problem looks like when it's falling apart.

Card 3: What the problem looks like when it's coming together.

Card 4: How to make room for grief.

Card 5: How to make room for relief.

Card 6: How to make room for misery.

Card 7: How to make room for joy.

My reading:

I chose the 2 of Wands as the problem card because it shows my sense of always being unsettled and on the move. I haven't stayed in the same place for more than 4 years for all of my adulthood and I'm just realizing how much I want to be in a more stable environment and somewhere I can call home.

Lay the first three cards in this order: Card 2 - Card 1 - Card 3.

Now that the cards are side by side, I can easily see a pattern: When things become too structured, rigid and buttoned up (Emperor), I pack my bags (2 of Wands) and prepare for a new adventure...a fresh start (Ace of Pentacles). I guess when I look at it this way it doesn't seem so bad. I've been  believing I want a more structured environment but this reading tells me that's it's the structure that creates my impulse to break free.

I used my Oracle Everywhere deck to provide guidance for the journey. Love Your Reflection is how I can make room for grief. I intended this card to be about self-love, but I think there's a more visual cue here too -- photography. When I'm grieving the loss of people and places I'm leaving behind, I should take photos!! I take photos of lots of things but rarely as a sentimental gesture.

To make room for relief I can Follow A New Path. This card here suggests that there is a sense of relief in following a new path and embarking on a new journey, despite my claim to desire a more stable existence.

To make room for misery I can Rise Above, perhaps seeing my transition from a higher perspective. Maybe my desire to leave and start over is really serving an important purpose in my evolution.

Finally, Move Your Body came up for making room for joy. This card is about dancing and free expression. It shows the joy you get from feeling uninhibited and just going with the flow of life.

Purchase the Tarot Everywhere and Oracle Everywhere deck


  1. Thank you for sharing this amazing spread. I love yor reading and will definitely try it for myself!

    1. Thanks so much Ellen! I'm glad you like it and let me know how it works for you.

  2. I do not know how I missed this gorgeous spread!
    Thank you for sharing :)
